Percaya Atau Tidak, Pad Arang ini Kalis Bau Kentut!

RASANYA ramai yang lebih rela jatuh pengsan daripada menghidu bau kentut orang lain, apatah lagi kalau terperangkap dalam kereta atau pun lif.

Tidak kurang juga ada di antara kita yang kadang-kadang sampai merah padam muka menahan kentut bimbang baunya akan tersebar dan mendatangkan masalah lain pula.

Dengan teknologi sekarang, nampaknya tidak akan ada lagi kejadian sedemikian apabila terdapat pad arang yang mampu menapis bau busuk kentut sebelum ia tersebar ke udara.

Kentut busuk? Bukan lagi satu masalah!

Memang sesuai untuk dihadiahkan kepada rakan-rakan yang kaki kentut dan berbau busuk tu!

Nak pakai pun mudah... hanya letakkan pad pada bahagian luar seluar dalam anda. Paling penting ia tidak tebal dan orang tidak akan perasan anda memakai pad berkenaan. Apatah lagi bau kentut anda.

Bahan seperti arang yang digunakan pada pad itu yang akan menapis bau busuk dan anda boleh melepaskan kentut anda dengan yakin diri selepas ini. - DISTRACTIFY

Online Education: From Good To Better To Best?

For the time being, online education has become the right choice for students who - for various reasons - cannot access on-the-ground education. And while there are still examples of basic online courses out there (think of compliance training), both technology and the pedagogy of turning on online learning have gotten much better over the past decade. And now, quite suddenly it seems, there are more and more cases where online education outperforms its traditional classmates. Evidence of student success and, indeed, preference, for online classes, is mounting, and this will serve full benefits for all of us.

A Babson / College Board study in 2012 showed a glimmer of early recognition of the quality in online education. The survey revealed that 77% of academic leaders think online training is the same as or superior to studying in a physical class. More than 69% of academic officers believe that online learning is an integral part of a long-term education strategy.

Online Education: From Good To Better To Best?

Learning House, Inc. conducted a 2018 study, showing 85% of students who had previously enrolled in face-to-face courses and online felt their online experience was either the same or better than the class. That includes 37% who think it is a superior experience.

Examples of online degrees that outperform traditional degrees can be found all over the world and in all students of all ages. In the United Kingdom, the University of Essex online degree is placed in over 18% of all UK institutions with a score of 91 in the National Student Survey (NSS) run by UK higher education regulators.

The average first-time graduation rate for distance students in law school taking the first year of California Law Student exams (FYSLE) is slightly more than twice the traditional law school in the 34.8% state versus 17.1% based on the last ten publicly available data FYLSE Government. Purdue University Global's Concord Law School, the first fully online law school in the country, witnessed the first time a 45% pass rate on the administration of the latest FYSLE.

Kaplan Test Prep units have recently surveyed MCAT students to find out how people are versus online Live students rated their experience. The ability to interact and chat with instructors in real time is essential for both groups. Surprisingly, some students taking classes in people questioning grades must be somewhere at a particular time. So real-time interactivity, not space, seems to appear as a determining factor behind student preferences.

On a broader basis among high school students, the Test Prep team has seen a consistent six to eight-point difference between the Net Promoter scores (NPS) for Live online programs versus their peers. There are several contributing factors, including a team teaching model where students are supported by several instructors and the ability to tap the best talents globally for each class.

Gallup released a study last April, which compared results from Western Governors University (WGU) graduates with graduates from other institutions. The WGU competency-based education model, where all courses are entirely online, are stacked better than traditional colleges. WGU full-time graduate employment rates exceed the national average with almost 20 percentage points; Their graduates are nearly twice as likely to develop in their well-being and are more likely to engage employees. To date, WGU remains the highest rating institution measured by Gallup in the percentage of graduates who say they have a mentor who drives their goals and dreams. So much for the myth that mentoring is degraded to in-person, on smaller campuses and institutions.

Students are increasingly turning to online courses because they have become better ways to learn.

  • Online courses offer students greater control over their learning by allowing them to work at their own pace.
  • More engaging multimedia content, greater access to instructors and classmates through online chat, and less possibility of outside conflict scheduling can contribute to increasing retention metrics.
  • Online courses also tend to include more frequent assessments. The more often students are assessed, the better their instructors can track progress and intervene if needed.