Pelanggan 'Menangis' dapat Ayam KFC 'Kurus'

DALAM tempoh dua jam, posting tentang ayam goreng KFC yang dimuat naik tular di media sosial, mencetuskan perbincangan dalam kalangan netizen.

Segalanya bermula apabila Ernie Mah berkongsi foto makanan yang telah dibeli dari KFC, terdiri daripada dua ketul ayam dan kentang lenyek.

Dia menulis, hidangan itu dibelinya di Hillion Mall, Singapura dan kosnya ialah S$7.95 (RM24.40).

Jelasnya, ketika melihat saiz dua ketul ayam yang kecil, dia meminta agar ia ditukar kepada saiz yang lebih besar.

"Bayar $7.95 untuk hidangan dua ketul ayam ini di KFC Hillion Mall.

"Minta staf, iaitu Kelvin T untuk tukar ayam paha kepada yang lebih besar," tulisnya.

Pelanggan mendakwa staf premis enggan membuat pertukaran ayam atas dasar polisi syarikat.

Walau bagaimanapun, permintaan Mah ditolak oleh kakitangan bertugas dengan alasan polisi KFC hanya membenarkan satu ketul ayam saiz besar dan satu ketul lagi bersaiz kecil diberikan kepada pelanggan.

Foto yang dikongsi oleh Mah di Facebook menunjukkan dua ketul ayam, yang mana salah satunya adalah paha ayam yang sangat kecil saiznya.

Mah menulis bahawa staf berkenaan menolak permintaannya, menyatakan hanya boleh tukar 'seketul besar dan seketul kecil'.

Mah juga berkata bahawa mereka tidak memberikannya sudu untuk kentang lenyeknya.

Dia menyiarkan aduannya ke laman Facebook KFC, tetapi pada masa itu, nampaknya tidak ada balasan.

Postingnya mencetuskan banyak komen dengan mendapat hampir 500 reaksi dan 250 komen dalam masa dua jam. -IndependentSg

Do you have what is needed to become a teacher?

Teaching as a profession can be very difficult but very useful. The teacher forms learning and development plays a significant role in what becomes a student in the future.

Thus, several qualities make the teacher the most effective. Caring for students and respecting them and their parents is an excellent way to gain credibility as a teacher. It is important to remember that you are not just teaching them knowledge; You build student self-esteem and develop their moral growth.

How to Become a Teacher: Best Online Degrees

You also have to consider individual characteristics that are important in student learning when becoming a teacher. Effective teachers encourage students to think by asking probing questions, using positive words, and building relationships with students.

Perhaps an essential characteristic of an effective teacher is to imitate the nature of a student for life. Teachers who show love to learn often pass this passion to their students in the class.

Change career into a teacher

Although most of those who are teachers take traditional routes, there are always people who have the desire to change careers after they work in different jobs. Many school systems allow teachers to get certified through alternative methods.

Direct work: if you are considered highly qualified in a particular area, the school system can choose to hire you without an initial teaching license. When you teach under the guidance of a mentor, you are given a temporary permit with the understanding that you must complete the required courses and take a license assessment within a specified period.

Alternative teacher certification programs: many colleges now offer "career-switchers" programs to those who do not get a bachelor's degree in education. Colleges such as Old Dominion University, Virginia Commonwealth University, and Shenandoah University offer state-accredited programs to become a teacher.

Online choices for career diversion teaching programs include Regent University. Grand Canyon University also offers a fast online track to teaching Arizona citizens, along with many other online basic education and secondary teaching degrees.

Online Bachelor in education: many online universities, such as Western Governors University, help people get Bachelor's degrees in training and certification in teaching. Make sure the program you choose meets your country's educational requirements before applying.

Continuing education opportunities

There are many opportunities for growth in educational careers. Many teachers choose to go back to school to get a Masters in school administration. This degree, coupled with at least five years of experience, fulfills the teacher's requirements for school administration work such as the principal.

With a doctorate in school leadership or educational administration, a teacher can also be a supervisor of the Catholic school district administrator who is responsible for most aspects of school operations.

Several programs in the teaching profession can enhance your career. Certifications in fields such as gifted education, special education, and English as a second language, can make your resume look more desirable.

What to expect from a teaching career

Work environment

Although the environment varies depending on the type of teacher you are in, some things are ubiquitous. Teachers who work in the traditional school year will work for ten months with a rest for two months during the summer. Teachers working in a school throughout the year usually work eight consecutive weeks with 1-week breaks between and 5-week mid-winter breaks.

Teachers can work in public or private schools and generally work during school hours and sometimes will meet with parents, students, or other teachers before or after school. Teachers often spend the night compiling papers or preparing lessons. It is common for teachers to devote more than 40 hours per week to their work during the school period.

Benefits & dangers

As with work, most schools offer full-time employees some essential advantages.


even though teaching is not a high paying job, your salary will depend on your level of experience.


Schools have built-in vacation days centered on holidays, so you don't have to worry about taking time off during the holidays. However, because most teachers are inactive for two months, they do not get much sick/personal days during the school year (usually one day per month).